Glenorchy Air Flight Management System

A unified flight management system for a growing travel business.

DNA collaborated with Glenorchy Air to revolutionise their flight operations through an innovative Flight Management system – a digital solution that empowers ground staff and pilots to schedule flights efficiently and manage load capacities in real-time.

Glenorchy Air


Glenorchy Air, a scenic flight operator, needed to modernise its flight scheduling and load management processes. The existing system was manual and time-consuming, leading to inefficiencies and potential safety risks. They required a digital solution that could streamline operations, optimise aircraft utilisation, and ensure precise weight distribution for safe flights.

Glenorchy Air, a scenic flight operator, needed to modernise its flight scheduling and load management processes. The existing system was manual and time-consuming, leading to inefficiencies and potential safety risks. They required a digital solution that could streamline operations, optimise aircraft utilisation, and ensure precise weight distribution for safe flights.


DNA worked closely with Glenorchy Air’s ground staff and pilots to understand their workflows, opportunities and pain points. This collaboration and iterative design process informed the development of a digital platform that would integrate seamlessly with their existing Rezdy booking system while providing new capabilities for flight management.

DNA worked closely with Glenorchy Air’s ground staff and pilots to understand their workflows, opportunities and pain points. This collaboration and iterative design process informed the development of a digital platform that would integrate seamlessly with their existing Rezdy booking system while providing new capabilities for flight management.


The resulting Flight Management system allows ground staff and pilots to efficiently schedule and manage flight load capacities, with key features including:

  • Automated import of bookings from Rezdy

  • Intelligent passenger seating allocation, ensuring optimal weight distribution

  • Real-time updates on passenger collection, cargo, and fuel levels

  • Comprehensive timetable management

  • Safety checks for aircraft and takeoff limit

Leveraging NuxtJS for a responsive front-end and Azure AD for robust authentication, the system delivers an efficient, adaptable solution. A WebSocket layer enables real-time data exchange between the central office and on-site pilots, ensuring seamless collaboration and current information across all touchpoints.

The resulting Flight Management system allows ground staff and pilots to efficiently schedule and manage flight load capacities, with key features including:

  • Automated import of bookings from Rezdy

  • Intelligent passenger seating allocation, ensuring optimal weight distribution

  • Real-time updates on passenger collection, cargo, and fuel levels

  • Comprehensive timetable management

  • Safety checks for aircraft and takeoff limit

Leveraging NuxtJS for a responsive front-end and Azure AD for robust authentication, the system delivers an efficient, adaptable solution. A WebSocket layer enables real-time data exchange between the central office and on-site pilots, ensuring seamless collaboration and current information across all touchpoints.

Operational value through transparency.

The Glenorchy Air Flight Management system delivers significant operational value by providing unprecedented transparency across all aspects of flight planning and execution. This enhanced visibility empowers staff to make informed decisions quickly, leading to improved efficiency and safety. The solution's key benefits include

  • Optimise returns: Optimising passenger and load capacities and respective flight paths

  • Drive operational efficiency: Automating data entries and details in advance, including passenger details, weights, pick-up locations and order numbers

  • Risk mitigation: Solution functionality that allows users to manage the variables that contribute to an aircraft’s weight and balance management.

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Preparing for this summer's operations is a lot different this year, knowing that we have the Flight Management System in place. It makes our operation far more efficient and hugely reduces our workload, allowing us to focus on other critical areas of the business. 

Glenorchy Air

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Technically robust and scalable.

Built using NuxtJS, a powerful framework that enabled the creation of a fast, scalable, and dynamic Single-Page Application (SPA) composed of reusable VueJS components. This provided a streamlined and efficient way to build out the application via an iterative, feature-first approach. An ORM and state management system provide two-way data binding between the client and back-end.

The back-end consists of a system that enables the management of data and collections, including pilots, aircraft, seating, weight limits and the Pickup fleet. Authentication into the app is managed via Azure AD and AuthJS with various grant types and access levels.

Webhooks within the Rezdy booking system push updates into the app's backend. At the same time, a WebSocket layer provides data feeds between the central office and pilots on the ground so staff can see real-time updates and collaborate seamlessly.

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Client: Glenorchy Air

Project: Flight Management System

Capability: Design / Development

Timeline: 6 months