Natural Language
User Question: How do I know I’m doing it right?
There are many circumstances where organisations need to collect detailed data or ensure the user gets to the right place quickly and intuitively. Natural Language forms help guide users through a complex interaction in a conversational way.
The statements can be friendly and intuitive, while behind-the-scenes connecting the users to the right data. Along the way, natural language provides users with clear feedback that they’re doing it right and therefore minimise user dropoff.
CERT NZ — Non-Technical Event Reporting Form.
CERT NZ’s event reporting tool was specifically designed to help non-technical users accurately report cyber emergencies. The tool helps guide users through their symptoms and behind-the-scenes the tool categorises the type of cyber attack for the user. — Boost
The Boost platform is designed to help users articulate their current business challenge and be quickly presented with content which is relevant to that. The pool of content comes from across the website and external sources. Each piece is connected via a behind-the-scenes taxonomy system to ensure on-going scalability.