Process Funnels

User Question: What’s the right answer for me?

When there’s a plethora of options or the options are difficult to understand, a process funnel helps users identify what the right answer is for them. Process Funnels often gradually collect information without overwhelming users to give users an answer (or small set of answers) that helps them move on and get what they really need.

Process Funnel Immigration

The Immigration Process Funnel helps guide users through a set of questions which describe their situation and delivers back less than six visa options which are applicable to them. With over 180 visa options, this helps users quickly identify the options for them

Try out the Immigration process funnel

Process Funnel — Choose Business Structure

The Choose Business Structure helps people getting into business choose the right legal structure for their context. It also provides a quick synopsis of the recommended option, while also providing users with the ability to compare the options.

Try out the Choose Business Structure process funnel